Test Your Knowledge of the Hit TV Show - Friends Frenzy!

Test Your Knowledge of the Hit TV Show - Friends Frenzy!

Who played the one-legged woman Joey and Chandler dated?

Correct Incorrect Ginger - In the third season of "Friends", Sherilyn Fenn took on the role of Ginger in an episode called "The One With Phoebe's Ex-Partner." During this episode, Chandler encounters Ginger at Central Perk and arranges to meet up with her, unaware that Joey had been in a relationship with her in the past and couldn't bear to see her again. Joey accidentally tossed her prosthetic leg into a fire during their previous relationship.

Who played the one-legged woman Joey and Chandler dated?

  • Janice
  • Ginger
  • Kathy
  • Cheryl